Remember agoodmovietowatch?
Hi friends,
My name is Bilal and I run agoodmovietowatch. Don't think we've ever met!
You've been selected as the top 10% most engaged with the website or with its last newsletter which we discontinued a while ago.
I just wanted to let you know that starting this Friday, Sept 7th, we will be bringing back the newsletter. However, we're going to try something new.
While free for the foreseeable future, we want to ultimately make this newsletter paid. This will allow us to offer you better movies, hire more writers, etc. Most importantly, with ad revenue shrinking and costs increasing with readership, we want to explore different ways we can keep the website alive while offering a higher quality experience.
There is nothing you have to do, except email us back "opt out", if you don't want to be part of this beta period. We promise we'll only be sad about it in private.
As someone who learned English through movies, it's been a dream come through to be part of this community of amazing contributors and readers. To be able to introduce millions of readers to great movies and shows that went unnoticed, and to toy with the film industry rather than just be a consumer, all of this has been a wonderful experience. I can't thank you enough for your continued trust.
The website has gone through a lot of changes -at first it didn't even have the word Netflix mentioned in it-, but I wanted to share with you this exciting new chapter that will take place this Friday and which we can hopefully count you in on!
Last thing, do not hesitate to reply to this email with any feedback on the Friday newsletter, but also any other thoughts including but not limited to movies!
Thank you for being the best film friends anyone can ask for.